Monday, November 8, 2010

Will you be my friend?

What is a friend? Is it just a person you choose to talk to? Someone who you trust and believe? A person to whom you convulse your feelings, thoughts, issues and insecurities? Friends can be allot of things to allot of people, whether it is to just have fun with, help you in good and hard times, or always be there to give advice. A friend can be forever or just for a moment, it is what they do for you that defines them and their version of a friend.

A friend with whom you have a drink, talk to, help out, and trust is a good friend, they can be trusted, even if you don't know them that well. A friend to whom you tell your inner most feelings, is a friend who can hurt you the most, because they are so close to you and because they know you the best. A friend that is just there to have fun with is not always there and can come and go with the wind, there one moment and gone the next. Who are we to define the meaning of friendship? Can we be so judgemental to put a label on those around us? Old friend, good friend, best friend, BFF, terms in our lives so new that they hold many different definitions. Is a BFF, best friend forever, truly forever? Is an old friend a friend you had a long time ago, or a friend who is not a friend any more? Are good friends actually good, and can you actually trust them with your feelings? Is a best friend better than an other, or is he/she just there more than others at that time?

I've learned over time that friends can come and go, they are neither silver nor gold, good nor bad, forever and never. The friends you had when you were very young probably won't be there when you are older, the friends you have today may not be your friends tomorrow, and you best friend may turn into a great enemy, if things unfold so. Even an entire group of friends in vulnerable to such transitions, whole clicks of best friends divided and torn apart by just one discussion, misunderstanding, or fight.

And in the end, how much does a friend matter? Is a pitiful squabble enough to end the friendship? Can even the worst of actions be for given? Yes and no, depends who you are and what you personally find of the situation. I find a minor squabble forgivable, and depending on the person, even a great pain could be forgiven, given that the underlying reason be understandable. From a personal note; one of my "old friends" choose to remain friends with those who, pestered me, hacked my email, vandalized my car multiple times, and spread rumors about me, called my loved ones ugly names. such actions are not expected from friends, yet they did happen, and to this day I don't know what the reason was. That is what I mean by when I say, how good is a friend, as good as gold or as good as a news paper left in the rain.

Yet I find that even as some disappear in a cloud of distrust, other tend to arrive from out of nowhere, and stay for longer than you expected. And that is why we keep friends around us, not just for the moment, or forever, but for as long as they are there, and for as long as happiness is present.

And that is what it all boils down to, happiness.

So be happy, think happy, be happy, and be happy for your friends, you need them.