Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tomas came by last night

Last night was a fun night, for me, Tomas cam by around 7 pm, and we had a crazy night! Drove around looking for a safe road to get to the city, and had to go down 4 different roads and through 4 different ravines to pick up my girlfriend. Pushing through knee high water, seeing cars floating around, people walking towards hiding spots on top of hill, away from their submerged cars. Some even swimming out through their windows as the car floats into a ditch and dies.

What ever people think when they decide to leave the house, as a tropical storm is passing overhead, baffles me. I mean I do leave the house because I know my truck can handle it, and I won't get stuck in an over sized puddle, waiting for the water to subside. Yet other people driving cars that cant get through 10 inches of water still think they can make it to where ever they want/ need to go, and subsequently get stuck waiting in cars and walking back home. If you won a normal car, don't think you can drive, float , swim your way to anywhere! 

The problem we have here is not that the rain is too much, but that the water drainage system is clogged with so much shit that it just fills up right away. And still we stubborn people think we can get home from work.

Your choices are:
1. Stay up all night and wait till morning to go home.
2. Take the risk and most likely get stuck in the rain.
3. Buy a bigger car; a raised truck.

If you can't find a truck to buy that night, refer to option 1 and 2, if you are crazy and don't mind the rain all that much, take #2, and if you are sane and want to spare your car from drowning, your money from being wasted, and your good health from turning into a cold, and keep your self from having to swim home through the streets, take option #1 and sleep on your desk, bar, table, any where the water cant sneak up on you.

I took options 3 and then 2 and got a first hand view of other peoples misery.

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