Friday, November 12, 2010

The buddy system

Does being friends with rich people intern make you rich? And does hanging around poor people have the opposite effect? You could argue that the rich person, who hangs out with poor, drug abusing, bums, will eventually spend all his money on alcohol drugs and junk food and thus become poor. But can you argue that the opposite is true? If a person, who comes from a family living in poverty, becomes friends with a person whose family has mansions, wealth and stature in society, will that person later on in his life be better off because of his association?

Without the key factor of being able to loan money easily, a person’s prospects seem to dwindle. A bank is not always open to loaning money to those who seem to not have any themselves. If a homeless person stumbles upon a new concept, something that he knows will not only bring him riches, but also happiness to others, would simply his idea be enough to get a loan? No, a bank would not and probably never loan money to a homeless person.
Now let’s say the homeless person has one friend in the world, a person with a job, a home, and a car, he approaches that person and shows his idea and asks for help.
This friend cannot do much, few would put up their house as collateral, or give an out of pocket loan to even a friend, homeless or not. Yet if that friend happened to be rich with multiple cars, houses, and a large amount of money, he could give a loan without having to worry about himself falling into financial issues. Than the homeless man can have his idea turn into a prototype, than a product and then with good sales, he will no longer be homeless.

So if you want to get rich, or just better off? Start meeting rich people and become friends with them.
Knowing the right people has always been an important part of human status, making it big means knowing others who are already big, and can help you up. When you want a better job what do you do? You go to a company dinner, and you start to mingle with the higher-ups, smooth talk them into liking you and having them either offer you an opportunity, or simply convince them to take a look at your portfolio. Thus giving you a head start over you competition.
Going from rags to riches would need some kind of connection to a more financially able person, even with a genius idea; a person is nearly unable to profit from that idea without having the means to make it available to others. That is where a rich friend would come in, helping you with popularizing, advertising, and producing your idea, so you can make a profit, and possibly also become very wealthy.

1 comment:

  1. However, the poor guy with the good idea needs to work his ass of to make his idea keep on working. With or without rich friends.
