Monday, November 1, 2010

The complexity of a guy

We always hear people say (guys) "women are too complex". Yet when ever guys do things that women don't understand, its always because "guys are weird", I know I'm not weird, at least I don't think so?

I have this "thing" that when I get home I want to open the electric gate from afar so I can drive in without having to stop and wait for the damn thing to open, to do this I put the remote to my head and click. My dear girlfriend always looks at me and wonders why she is with me, as I am weird, even when I try to explain how the human head is a giant amplifier and by putting the remote to the head and using it makes the signal stronger and helps it travel and longer distance. Something I have demonstrated on many occasions to her, once even from a great distance where she said, "what are you doing? the gate is not going to open!". Well, as we got to the 'un-opened gate' SURPRISE!!!!! It was open, and I could drive in with no wait at all. Dumbfounded by what happened I was asked for another explanation... "You know when you put a piece of tin foil around a radio antenna so you can get a better signal? Well, think of the remote as a radio, and my head as the tin foil, but instead of receiving waves, its sending them."

Still thinking I'm strange, crazy, and polluting my head with radio waves, she simply shrugged her shoulders and declared me for insane. Frustrated I just had to show her the I'm not the only person on earth who does this. So I grabbed the PC, went to the video clip showing this;    and made it clear that I and not crazy!

Being as stubborn as she is, she still does not believe me, and declares the whole thing as stupid... Well now, are we men so technical and so complex that we can understand the working of the remote, as we do the internal working s of an engine, and are women so simple that they do not? No.  We men and simply technical in our ways as the internal combustion engine is actually very simple. And women are super complex to the degree that they simply can understand the inner workings of each other and don't bother trying to understand such manly things, even though they make use of it every day.

So guy, don't worry if your significant other thinks your are crazy, strange, weird, odd, stupid, of are giving yourself a brain tumor, just remember; you know how an engine works!

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