Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Kids have all the fun!

Our modern world, in this time of high speed everything, it is unlike any other time that humans have ever seen, technology that was only dreamt of 15 years ago, travel possibilities that could not have been comprehended a 100 years ago, and most of all, communication that has only developed in this last 10 years. We are all privileged to live in this modern age.

Can you remember the first mobile phone, when your parents, came home with it not so long ago, those brick shaped, sized, heavy phones you could knock someone out with? That was not so very long ago, and from that brick that was only for the businessman or rich person, to today where we give our children cell phones, starting at an age when we assume that they can operate it properly in order to call if there is an emergency, or to call their friends. And those computers that could only use a wordprossesing program, today everyone needs a laptop or desktop with Internet and games. A far cry from what people had "back in the day". And it is not like we've slowed down ever since we've gone high speed, no, we're only gaining more speed and momentum, computer power doubles every 2 months, so in a year your brand new desktop is going to be called slow and useless. In a year that super cool blackberry will be replaced by a hand held super computer, or hand top as I like to call it, and you will share not only pictures, but you can have your entire family follow you the entire way to your ski vacation in the Swiss alps while you take your first lift up to the top of the mountain, talking to your parents while you and they look at the stunning view as you go further up.

This sharing comes at a price though, your privacy. Yes you can still turn everything off sit on your couch and do nothing. But would you even want to turn everything off? No! Your T.V. has to be on, your cell phone has to always be accessible to others, your computer can't go too long without being opened and lodged in to FaceBook, and the same goes for the person next to you. We share everything in your daily lives, or as much as we can that is not embarrassing, what we think of something, how we feel a bout someone, what we just did a minute ago, what we're going to do in a bit, every second of your life can, and someday will be uploaded for all to see, share and ultimately ridicule.

If you are worried about your loss of privacy, your kids won't be, because they've grown up with out it, they won't know what it is like to go without constant communication, or what it means to even log out. When my children will be my age, what will they say of our time? That it was slow and pitiful? That is was sad that we weren't as modern as them? Yes, they will say that, don't we say that about our parents youth? With their no Internet, no cell phones, no high tech anything, we would not want to go back in time and stay there...admit it.

Science fiction is quickly becoming science fact, and we don't even realize it. But I can't wait for the day when my kids are older, have the newest Xbox, or what ever they'll have, and family time will no longer be boardgames, but rather, video games. Oh wait that's already here, well ok, than I can't wait till my Xbox in outdated and it will be called a piece of junk that only I want to play, while the kids are jumping around en front of a motionsencor and playing a new version of Mario. Wait, also already here...

Okay okay, I can't wait for the day when skate boards will be replaced by hover boards and crossing a small lake is no harder than taking a single step. Yea that's what I'm waiting for! BRING ME MY HOVER BOARD!

I give the hover board 10 years to be available, and then be replaced by the fly-board, and then the space-board, and then anything else kids will get their hand on.

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