Monday, October 18, 2010

Normal, cool, or just stupid?

The other day I was driving along one of the main roads, and I saw this giant dark grey, tinted, raised, truck with enormous tires and a text written over the front, “BIG DOG”. Sitting in the driver seat was this dark haired, sun glass wearing, gel combed, tight shirt wearing, and cigarette smoking with his arm out the window kind of guy, you know, the cooool kind of guy. At first I thought damn I wish I had his truck! Cause mine seemed so feeble next to his. And I gave him this look, the kind of look that says, “For shame!”  Not much later in my day I came across a similar situation, Sitting in my truck I noticed that this guy in a small beaten, noise making, wickedly, near to its end, old tiny little car, was looking at me, noticeably with the exact same look that I had given “BIG DOG” earlier. So I reflected on myself from his point of view; Just look at him, with his big, two-tone red and grey, raised and angled, sound blasting truck that could drive over my car monster truck style, with his dark glasses, shaved head, tight shirt, arm hanging out the window, “for shame”. And I thought, shit, what would he think of “BIG DOG”?

Seeing right away that I, in his eyes, was “BIG DOG”, I thought to myself YEAAAAAAA!!! But then at the same time thanking my very good fortune I wasn’t sitting in that tiny little wreck. But I bet that the guy that just passed me on his little sisters bike probably looks at that wreck and gives him the same look, just because he is in a car. The guy on the bike wouldn’t give that look to “BIG DOG”. He would look on to that truck and not think, “For shame” he would start to dream of the day he might be in that truck, and just think I am cooool.
But is it cool? “BIG DOG” might definitely feel cool driving along like that, but does he feels that way all the time? I don’t think so, I believe he sometimes feels as down and poor as any other person, any “normal” person, thus making him and his situation also normal. And who knows, that one day long ago, he to, was sitting on a bike going along the road and seeing a massive truck pass him by, and I bet he gave the person in that truck the exact same look.
So was I right in looking at him like I did? Was it stupid of me to think he was stupid by being cool while he’s probably just as normal as me, or any other person? I don’t know, but I do know, one day I’m going to buy that truck, cause it had a for sale sign on it.
So what is normal, or cool, or just stupid? It’s just a frame of reference.
That pimped out red mustang that drove by with its V8 bellowing into the distance while the driver decides to put the pedal to the metal, well she’s just a spoiled little rich bitch!

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