Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A drunken alien

Last night I was out drinking with a buddy of mine, we usually go to the same place and drink some beer and share a small bottle of whiskey, to kind of get the juices flowing. And in our drunken state we then talk about anything from world politics, to working life, aliens, conspiracies, and our past experiences in life. We’re both still in our twenty’s so we don’t actually have too much life experience. But never the less we find plenty to talk about.
At one point in our mad random talks, we came up on the point of aliens, whether they exist, have been to and on earth, if they are benevolent or not, conspiracies around them, and why if they have been here is it still being denied by near to all governments around the world. We established right away that they ARE real, it would be mathematically impossible not to have other forms of life in the universe, out of the billions of stars in our galaxy, and billions of galaxies in the universe, how could we even think that we are alone. That would be like thinking that the earth is flat.
Have aliens visited earth? Today about 80% of the world believes in aliens, but their thoughts on whether they have been here, are here or will ever come here can differ greatly. Some say that they have yet to arrive and might not be able to find us amongst the great vastness of space, yet others say that aliens come and go regularly and keep an eye on us, and still others say that aliens walk amongst us, and some even look exactly like us. The theories go on and on, some seem as far from earth as possible and others could have effect on our lives every day. Just imagine you best friend being from the Andromeda galaxy, and is living next to you to observe your behavior, and guide you to a higher knowledge. Or imagine a world with a government cover up where Roswell was the sight of a crash or a landing, our first contact and the start our super speed society with technology received from that contact. And if you can comprehend the idea, think you the Sumerians knowing about Jupiter and the fine workings of the solar system and it’s planets, being visited and taught by aliens, gods to them, and documented this.
The stories go on and on, there is no shortage of ideas concerning how, who and why, and that is my greatest concern, why. Why are they here, we know they exist, because if only one picture of them is real, means that they are here. Now, why are they here?
Have they come to teach us vast knowledge and give us new technology, have they come to observe us in our primitive state, are they vacationing on earth are they coming to invade? It seems that with every turn you take, you again face hundreds on different possible scenarios. My personal thought is that they are here to observe, and slowly enlighten us into the galactic setting. We might believe in aliens but to what expanse can we imagine them? Are there dozens of species, of thousands, or millions? How different are they, or how similar? I do believe that they have visited our ancestors is ancient Mesopotamia and in Sumerian culture, giving knowledge and technology to the ancients. And that today we are still being visited, allot, and that we are going to see a steep rise in visitations and sightings.
Whatever might happen, who ever may be watching and whatever for, I know one thing for sure; they are stupefied by us and our barbarism, stupidity, ignorance and violence.  
And boy do I love it here.


  1. we must detect them in order to confirm their existence:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. goed verhaal!! Heb er nooit zo over nagedacht :)
    maar nog steeds geloof ik er niet in, of beter gezegd wil ik er niet in geloven.

    Keep your nights up with your buddy voor geweldige blog stories :
