Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happiness and its manifestation

Why when we step out of bed with the wrong foot, does our entire day go to hell  in an hand bag? Or why when we wake up with a first thought of goodness and step out of bed easy and fully awake does the whole day go by just like you hoped it would? Well because you woke up that way, when you wake up and your first thought is a negative one, that is how you start your day and that is how it will continue, unless you do something about it. Making your self happy , positive, and attracting positivity to you.

Thoughts become things, how often have you thought about something you want so bad, and so much, and it just seems to come to you and becomes yours? Haven't you noticed that all the positive people you know, who are always cheer full and happy always seem to have what ever they want?  Well that's is because they think happy thoughts, they let go of their worries and let positivity into their lives, and being around them makes you happier also.

Charley Harper from "Two and a half men" is the perfect subject, care free, successful and one lucky SOB. While his Brother Allen is plagued by bad finances, equally bad relationships, and just really bad luck. The point being that one is always attracting positivity to him self, and the other negativity.

Tomorrow when you wake up, don't get out of bed right away, sit for a minute or two, close your eyes and visualize how your entire day should go, how you want it to go, what you have to do, and how those things will go well and easy. And how you will get everything and more done, things that you have put aside for a long time, put them in there and keep thinking positively.

Then see how your day will go.

I've started doing this to, and thing have just started falling into place.

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