Monday, October 18, 2010

Karma, why today?

Last night was some night! I was sitting at home behind my computer trying to figure out what YouTube video I was going to watch next after watching every possible viral video there is. It must have been around 8:30 pm, it was pouring rain outside even more than the day before, and I was happy I wasn’t working outside like my girlfriend, and I had no intentions on leaving the house anytime soon either. Thinking that, karma must have sensed it, and set the situation so that my brother-in-laws UPS-style van broke down after having slowed down too much on a spot in the road where the water was at least knee high.
This having happened, he called his emergency towing truck (me), and asked me if I could tow him to his destination about 5 km away. Now 5 km isn’t much, but with the rain pouring, visibility near to 0, and water knee high on the road, this is quite a task. He did fail to mention this me, so I happily said: “yea man I’ll be there if a jiffy!” A jiffy being less than 15 min. It took me 30 min to get to him which was still not too long, as the roads were all flooded and everyone else was driving at 20 k/ph, while I was driving at 40 basically passing them all and giving them a bath in the process, karma picked up on that too.
By the time I got to my brother-in-law, it was still pouring rain, the road we were on was flooded higher than any other road I had seen, except for the crossing of that road where there were about 3 cars floating around with their passengers spiteful of me and the fact that they were not sitting in a truck.   As I parked in front of the van, I thought, “How the hell am I going to tow a giant van through a river?” I proceeded to roll up my jeans, took everything out of my pockets, took off my shirt, shoes and socks and grabbed the towing cable from behind the back seat. Not expecting how high the water was at the moment I nonchalantly jumped out into the river, and recreated the river scene from that movie Apocalypto, at least it felt that way. We proceeded to hook up the trucks and agreed to keep the windows open to be able to communicate while on the move, (that was karma talking).
I got back into my truck; soaking wet, started the truck, put my head out the window, and yelled, “here we go!” At first inching my way forward and steadily gaining momentum and getting to the near 15 k/ph we held the entire way. Now at this point nothing could have made the situation more or less pleasant, or so I thought. Karma is a very kind thing, driving in the right lane of a two-lane flooded high way, the best possible car to have was a truck, smart then of the guy in the big dark grey, raised, with the large tires truck, whom I presumed to be “BIG DOG” to indeed go driving along in his truck. Passing us at what seemed like 100kph “BIG DOG” took no measure to slow down as his foot was being motivated by karma and the thought I had about him the day before, sent a flood of water in to the air and side to side, perfectly angled into my truck through my open window, as my head was sticking out.
By the time we arrived at our destination after our seemingly endless journey across the river, we parked the van and I set my truck to the side, stepped out on to the parking lot and asked, to my regret, what the plan was. As the van could not start due to a dead battery, we had to get another one from his car, taking the same road I had before to find the van. Most of the road was flooded as streets here aren’t that straight, and only one lane was drivable for normal cars, so I had decided that I would dedicate myself to the flooded lane, spraying water into the windows of any unsuspecting drivers, getting my revenge from “BIG DOG” on about 3 victims. It made me feel better to know I wasn’t the only person drenched in a car. As we got to the earlier described crossing where cars were floating around, I noticed the water was even higher and there were even more cars drifting into different directions. And the wave I made by driving casually by them sent them bobbing up and down even more, thus also confirming the cars to literally be floating. There was one point where even my truck had water up to the door, knowing the road well there, I looked over to the other lanes and saw that to my far left the water wasn’t as high so I went over the pad separating the two rivers and made my way to higher ground, leaving the people in the floating car hating me for my amazing truck.
We got through the worst part of our journey at this point, but we still had to enter the lot where my brother-in-laws car was parked. This lot was set between all these houses with brick walls and with a large bushy hilled terrain behind it, a perfect combination to create a river in an urban enviourment.
After retrieving the battery I took a different road to go back to the van and drop off my brother-in-law. This was the last thing on my to-do list, so I went home jolly in the thought that I had a bed and shower waiting for me there. After a short trip to my house passing some more open windows, I got home and parked my car, got out and walked to the door. As I took my 4th step away from my car, my phone rang.
And my girlfriend said on the phone, “hey baby, can you come pick me up”.

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