Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dec. 21, 2012. Just an other day?

Wow where do I begin? There are so many theories, possibilities, opinions, varying between the Mayans, aliens, government plots, Internet shutdown, human evolution, cosmic alignments, and allot of these can be linked very easily. Let me show you; The Mayans worship gods from the heavens "aliens", they had their calender that sets great importance on DEC. 21, 2012. The day of cosmic alignment, Annunaki coming "aliens" planet X in close proximity to earth, the government knows about aliens thanks to Roswell, and is keeping it very secret because they don't want humans to be informed, or they will lose power. The alignment will help us transcend into the next stage of evolution, making us spirit like beings.   Pretty much some seriously crazy shit.

I hope for humanity that 2012 is just an other year and that in 2013 we'll all be laughing at all those crazy people telling us that we are not worthy.

I don't want 2012 to have a change on us, why? Because frankly I like being alive, my life, and I would not mind being on this earth for many more years to come.

How ever, if this event of great weirdness is to actually have great repercussions for us all, then I say, BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!

But what should we do with our lives? Just live on, go on with your life like nothing will ever happen. No scrap that, live your life like something WILL happen, because then you will truly live it to the fullest, go do something, go travel, live! Don't sit around bitching about life and how crappy yours is, because it's not, there are people on earth with NOTHING, and you think you have nothing, no car, no house, no money, no dog. Other people many kids, have no parents, no food, no shelter, no cloths, no water. And you think you have nothing, and are worried about 2012. You want to live? Go to Africa, and go help some starving children.

Me, I'm going to go on with my life as normal , because that is what it is, and that is what 2012 will be.

Aliens are real though, and their here, and they made us, and their from mars, yea they are. Oh and there is water on the moon, ALLOT!

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